Men's and women ministries

At FaithCov. we are aware that there are things that Men and Women go through differently. To that end, we have ministries designed for both that will help develop friendships, deepen relationships with God, and help us to follow Jesus in more robust and meaningful ways. You do not need to be a member of FaithCov. in order to join in.


The Women Ministries at FaithCov. are taking time off this Summer to dream and plan for the Autumn. Please watch this space for more information.

For more information, please email Julie Heath here.

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     MEN'S IRONMEN GROUP                   FALL STUDY 2024


Jeremiah: Finding God in Chaos

Some men of a certain age know that “Jeremiah was a bullfrog, was a good friend of mine” (Three Dog Night), but do we know much about the prophet of Jeremiah?

“Jon Kehrer, Old Testament and biblical languages professor at Ozark Christian College, teaches through various prophecies in different stages of the ministry of Jeremiah. This study talks about God’s presence in disaster, the sovereignty of God, and trusting the Lord during pain. It will challenge you to choose between refusing God’s Word or allowing it to change you. “

The Ironmen fall study will kickoff Saturday, September 14 at 9 AM in the Welcome Center. This is a study from RightNow Media and will include a Scripture reading, video, questions and prayer. All men are welcome. There will be study guides available in the Church Welcome Center beginning Sunday, Aug 18. Pick up your copy.

For questions or concerns about the Men's Life Group, contact Dave Tomashewski at: (614) 515-1550 or

About the Men's Ministry Group

The Men's Ministry at FaithCov is dedicated to helping men chase after God in faith, action, and mind. They often lead improvement projects around the church, as well as undertake the immense job of putting the Christmas lights on our Community Christmas Tree and church building, and helping older church members with difficult home projects.

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